Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

I interpreted this poem to be about change. If you are ever unhappy with how something in going in your life, it is your responsibility to do something about it. This poem took a optimistic look by basically saying that good opportunities are right where the side walk ends.

The Lockless Door by Robert Frost

This was another one of Robert Frost's poems that I really enjoyed. I feel that he does a great job of rhyming without forcing it and every poem using great description. This particular poem was about the speaker hearing the knock on his door and reacting to it. I recommend this to all reading because it is very simple and cheerful.

This is Just to Say by Williams Carlos Williams

This poem is very different from any poem I have ever read before. After reading, I didn't think that this work could even constitute itself as poetry. This just shows that poetry can be about any subject, and can be abstract or literal.

Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth

Throughout reading many different poems, I have realized that many poems are about nature. This particular poem describes the sights of a speaker on the early days of spring. I really liked this poem because the imagery used made me able to picture spring.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Williams Wordsworth

This poem was about a person who in wandering in the depths of his dreams and he felt as if he was wandering like a cloud. I can relate to this poem because I often doze off while relaxing and feel the same way. I liked the rhyming schemes and the flow of this poem.

Solitude by Alexander Pope

This poem describes how peaceful solitude can be. I liked the rhyming format that was used. I think it is important not to live life in solitude; however, sometimes just relaxing is nice. I enjoyed this poem and recommend it to others.

Metaphors by Sylvia Plath

This poem was very confusing to me. It used a lot of symbolism to describe metaphors. I think the different symbols represented how a metaphor can be a comparison of pretty much anythings. Like a metaphor, this poem was very creative and thought provoking.

Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes

I really enjoyed this poem. Langston Hughes is showing how America was thought to be the land of opportunity; however, it did not originally give these rights to people of African American descent. I commend how Langston Hughes spoke out for what he believed was right through his poetry.

Democracy by Langston Hughes

This is a another very strong poem by Langston Hughes. I really enjoyed how the speaker in the poem demanded equal rights and treatment and would not stand for any less. I really enjoyed this poem. It makes me want to act and not just sit back to wait for things to happen to me.

Hath Soon Hath Time by Robert Milton

I completely agree with the message the speaker delivered in this poem. The speaker talked about how quickly time passes by. As a high school students, my 4 years have flown by. I can only imagine how quickly the rest of my life will pass.

The Trees by Philip Larkin

This speaker on this poem commented of how different trees are than man. Trees can live for thousands of years; however, every year they look brand new. They get to have a fresh start every May when they look reborn.

The Naming of Cats by T.S. Eliot

This poem was very different then any poem I've read before. It was very creative and not something you would ever thing a poem could be about. However, in this poem, the speaker takes the topic of naming a cat and turns it into an interesting, well written poem.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Because I Could Not Stop for Death by Emily Dickinson

Even though this poem was about death, I still enjoy it. I really enjoyed the smooth flow of this poem. I interpreted this poem to be about someone who was trying to avoid death. However, everywhere they went death was following them. I liked how this was poem was very thought provoking and intriguing.

There is Another Sky by Emily Dickinson

I interpret the message of this poem to be that it is important to look at the bright side of life. The speaker repeats that one can choose to look at nature's graces instead of its faults. For example, "And there is another sunshine,Though it be darkness there". I also really liked the rhyming schemes in this poem. Overall, I thought this poem was very good.

Brown Penny by William Butler Yeats

This poem is about love. The speaker is talking about how no one can find love too soon into their life and how much love can affect a life. I agree with how he feels that it is almost impossible to describe love and put it into words. The only part of the poem that I did not completely understand was the brown penny reference throughout.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare

This poem served as a change of pace for me. After reading a lot of rhyming poems, I enjoyed one that was different. I liked the topic of this poem; how someone's life cycle is like a show and everyone is a part of something bigger. It also showed the stages of life in a creative and interesting way.

Messy Room by Shel Silverstein

This poem symbolizes how my parents feel about my room. Days after I clean my room, it already looks the way it did before. I tend to be a little bit of a pack rat and a little lazy with some things. Cleaning my room is one of those things. I enjoyed the rhyming schemes and the sarcastic tone of this poem.

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

Like Langston Hughes's poem, I really like how this song protested for equal rights. I think the speaker has a very strong voice. It takes a strong person to actively protest and demand to be treated fairly. I hope that I can one day be able to speak out as openly for what I feel is right.

O Captain! O Captain! by Walt Whitman

I really enjoyed the rhyming schemes in this poem. The poems was about a captain and his son who have achieved a great feat but it also resulted in tragedy. In general, I though this was a great poem that I recommend reading.

Life is Fine by Langston Hughes

This poem is about Suicide and how the speaker is fighting his urges to commit suicide. However, because of his love for another person and his fears, he decides he wants to live on. I feel like the speaker acknowledges that he may go through hard times, but he needs to fight through them instead of giving up.

I, Too, Sing America by Langston Hughes

I find the speakers voice in this poem to be very strong and passionate. This poem is about the Anti- Slavery Movement. The speaker is talking about how it may take some time, but eventually he will have the power to be free. The quote, "I, too, am America." shows how the speaker is demanding he will be treated equally.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

The speaker in this poem is showing the power of fire and ice there ability to end the world. When read this poem, I am understanding the literal interpretation and the poem seems very straightforward. I am not sure if there is a deeper symbolic meaning involved in this poem.

Dust of Snow by Robert Frost

The speaker in this poem is showing how snowfall can completely turn a bad day around. I also think snowfall has the ability to cheer you up. I like the simplicity of this poem. It is very short and to the point but still effectively conveys a message.

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

I really liked this poem because of the rhyming lines and also because of the mystery and the theme of the poem. The poem shows how the speaker enjoys the solitude of the forest on a snowy evening. The verse, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep. " expresses the speakers desire to stay in the forest; however, he has a long way to go before he can relax and not have responcibilty. This is how I feel when I have hw and just want to sit back and relax or go to sleep.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

I felt that taking the road less taken symblizes being unique and being an individual. I think it expresses being a leader and not following what other have done before you. The poem gives life to nature and expresses nature's desire to have a traveler pass by. Lastly, I think curiosity is a big theme in this poem. The traveler has no idea where each road would end up and wanted the adventure of exploring.