Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

I interpreted this poem to be about change. If you are ever unhappy with how something in going in your life, it is your responsibility to do something about it. This poem took a optimistic look by basically saying that good opportunities are right where the side walk ends.

The Lockless Door by Robert Frost

This was another one of Robert Frost's poems that I really enjoyed. I feel that he does a great job of rhyming without forcing it and every poem using great description. This particular poem was about the speaker hearing the knock on his door and reacting to it. I recommend this to all reading because it is very simple and cheerful.

This is Just to Say by Williams Carlos Williams

This poem is very different from any poem I have ever read before. After reading, I didn't think that this work could even constitute itself as poetry. This just shows that poetry can be about any subject, and can be abstract or literal.

Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth

Throughout reading many different poems, I have realized that many poems are about nature. This particular poem describes the sights of a speaker on the early days of spring. I really liked this poem because the imagery used made me able to picture spring.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Williams Wordsworth

This poem was about a person who in wandering in the depths of his dreams and he felt as if he was wandering like a cloud. I can relate to this poem because I often doze off while relaxing and feel the same way. I liked the rhyming schemes and the flow of this poem.

Solitude by Alexander Pope

This poem describes how peaceful solitude can be. I liked the rhyming format that was used. I think it is important not to live life in solitude; however, sometimes just relaxing is nice. I enjoyed this poem and recommend it to others.

Metaphors by Sylvia Plath

This poem was very confusing to me. It used a lot of symbolism to describe metaphors. I think the different symbols represented how a metaphor can be a comparison of pretty much anythings. Like a metaphor, this poem was very creative and thought provoking.